It's been a long time since I blogged about my little girl (actually, since I blogged about
anything), and she's grown so much, I don't really know where to start.
Let's see - she's now an active little girl, approaching 15 months, but sometimes behaves older than her
years months. She's running all over the place now, sometimes in a really scary way, heedless of all obstacles in her path. She's a little chatterbox too - in addition to the words that she mimics, she can say so many while understanding what they mean. Some favourites are: "go-go" when she wants you to go somewhere, "come", "hug", "food", and my favourite - "ma-bao-nen" - which means "mummy baobao and nen nen (nurse) please"! She recognises people - like when she sees her Nainai, she asks for her Yeye. She sings along with the tv, and knows the actions for many songs, like London Bridge, The Grand Old Duke of York, If You're Happy, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Head and Shoulders, and many more. (So you can imagine how tiring it is when she wants us to go through the whole repertoire!) When we ask her where Jesus is, she points to her chest and says, "Heart!" Oh and our favourite - she dances to the Hot Dog song at the end of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (on the Playhouse Disney Channel)!
It's really a blessing to see her grow each day.

And now, we're expecting blessing No.2! I've been wondering - will this baby be more like me, given that Cherise is so much like Adrian in personality? We bought the
Intelligender test, and guess what? Result = Boy! I've got to stop buying pink.
There are going to be a great many changes in the coming months. It isn't easy, being pregnant (tired and pukey) and still having to chase after a little energizer bunny, but it will all be worthwhile in the end, I'm sure.
Thank you for sharing your new blog with me! Great to read about Baby's updates, and to hear that everyone's been well. :)
Dear Adrian, Jasmine & Cherish!
Woo hoo! Am so excited & happy for the both of u that Baby Loh No. 2 is on the way? Congrats & praise God for this precious gift of life!
Cherise is so so cute! See u all ard in church! :)
Congrats!! Wah! NUMBER TWO!!!!
Hello! Nong time nong time! Sam told me about your first pregnancy, but never got the chance to see you then. And then there were four (Jas, Adrian and 2 mini-yous)?! Congratulations!
I got one coming up as well, just in time for Christmas (fancy that; that old bartender, a father). Now we have one child, cannot imagine what it's going to be like, much less imagining taking care of two! We'll be keeping close watch on your blog for tips and tricks! Hahaha...
Again, congratulations!
Winston (who?)
Nong time nong time! Sam told me when you were first pregnant (that's how long I haven't seen you guys), and now number two already ah?! Congrats!
My first is coming up during the Christmas season (fancy that; your old bartender, a father)... For me and Liza, one already blur liao, cannot imagine running after 2! We'll be keeping a close eye on your blog for tips and tricks! Hahaha...
Oops, double post. Paiseh, you're not the only one with Wordpress problems...
Oh yeah! Great having you guys back on the bloggy (not that I update often myself). =P
Wow, they even have Intelligender now. Take good care of yourself too ya. Hang in there!
Hi frends,
Thanks for all the well-wishes.
Starmist - Yeah...we'll be updating more on Cherise soon...look out for them.
Fi oh na - Hee hee...we are excited too! Dun know when we'll get to serve together again, but we'll see you soon during practice!
mb - Thanks. How's the road trip coming along? You guys look like you are having a ball of a time...any chance of getting Palin's autograph for me? Muah ha ha!
Winston!!!! long time no see/hear! Congrats on your coming baby, it'll be an amazing ride I promise you. Keep us updated ya!
Noe - Yes it's great to be back... looking forward to your posts too!
You can blog me in your roll any time!
Adrian, you're mostly over at Adam rite? Me at PL la, tat's why dun meet so often...
I co-led together wif the team for the 1st time on Sunday...really had to step out by faith & juz go for it!Coz i keep telling myself "Cannot la, scared la"
Was by God's grace tat I pulled thru coz was battling quite a bad infection & zonked out by d strong meds....still, God's faithful & He will never fail me!
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